RULE #1. No hacking, cheating, breaking or general sneakiness to bypass or advance. Play nice please.
RULE #2. No asking your host. He will not help, give hints, or clues, unless he feels he has made an error in the game-play (very unlikely). You are on your own in this one, except for a limited number of allowable assists. That are described herein.
RULE #3. You cannot engage another humanoid to be a proxy (unless it is an allowable assists). This game is designed for you to complete. However, if you can persuade a non human to do your bidding, by all means feel free. That would be an interesting turn of events. Back to the rules.
RULE #4. Do not tell ANYONE (including your mom) about the current clue, puzzle, or stage of game-play. This is to avoid any unintentional or "oops I accidentally let the answer slip" type assists. Once you proceed to the next stage feel free to share if you wish.
RULE #5. Unless otherwise prohibited, you are free to use the tools that are normally available to you. i.e internet, web searches, encyclopedias, experts in a given field, and friends for research purposes and education only. No asking experts or friends to help with the answer or clue, but you can ask them questions to help educate you. Again refer to rule #1 and play nice, no hacking.
ADVISORY #1. Understand before we begin this may get frustrating and possibly twisted. As your host has created this game from his head, and his head, although it makes sense to him, it may not make sense to you. i.e. Everything in the game is important, however not everything is important. :D
ADVISORY #2. This is an adaptive game. You have a limited number of assists. If you use them haphazardly the game will become longer and harder. There are certain times when you will need the assist more than others. Use them wisely.
ALLOWABLE ASSISTS. Because of advisory #1. Your host has built in a number of work-arounds to help you on your quest. These are single use work-arounds and are available solely because a disconnect may exists between your host brain and reality.
ALLOWABLE ASSISTS #1. Ask the world for help and advice. You may post the question openly via Blog, Facebook, Tweet Etc. Get you anwser from anyone and everyone. "See this one? It's open ended. $$$, Might wanna hang on to that one..."
ALLOWABLE ASSISTS #2. One Skype "Call a friend" with bonus virtual proxy assist. You may use a proxy virtually to preform tasks with this assist. As long as the Skype call is active, you can have the proxy preform any task as if you are there.
ALLOWABLE ASSISTS #3. One Skype call with no virtual proxy assist. This allows you to ask one person to help. They have as long as it takes to help you with this clue/stage/puzzle/segment. Once it is completed though, they cannot help any further. This can be anyone, a friend, or an expert.
***OPTIONAL-You can conference up to 3 people into this call to assist, however if more than one person is added to the call. There is a time expiration penalty of 30 minutes. If the 3 conference call attendants cannot figure out the clue/segment/puzzle/riddle within 30 minutes. You are on your own again. They cannot provide the answer after the 30 minutes has expired. They will have to bite there tongue. Upon the activation of this allowable assist each conference call attendant will need to agree to the terms of this assist before beginning. One final note: The host has veto authority on whom you pick to participate.
Oh, and please excuse any spelling and grammatical errors, as we both know, the host ain't got no grammar. Furthermore, you are the hosts' proofreader, and for obvious reason you were prohibited from proofreading this project, sorry! Other than the rules herein, this is your game. Do what you will with it! You may get frustrated if you are in a rush. Have fun with it, and GOOD LUCK! You will need it.